Burdock: Highly nutritive sweet and pungent root with an affinity for the liver, gallbladder, adrenals, and digestive system. Burdock works to balance the digestion and with it's high inulin content, encourages blood sugar stabilization.
Dandelion: Classic bitter root with profound action on assimilation of nutrients and helps to improve overall digestive function. Also works to help clear toxins from the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and digestive tract.
Gentian: Stimulates the digestive tract, particularly supporting the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. Promotes absorption of fats and oils by the small intestine and soothes a nervous stomach.
Angelica: Ignites and stimulates digestive fire, works to increase circulation to the digestive system and helps alleviate excess wind or gas within the stomach and intestines.
Wood Betony: Strengthens disgestion via the autonomous nervous system, supporting the Gut-Brain Axis and calming any spasms that may be causing cramping, gas, or bloating.
Licorice Root: Soothes the mucous membranes of the digestive system encouraging balanced lubrication and protection of the stomach and intestinal linings.
Ginger: Excellent carminitive herb (also it tastes great!), as part of this blend, it works to balance flavor as well as soothing indigestion or nausea from digestive upset.