Undeniably one of the most well known herbs, Chamomile is probably one that you’ve already got in your cabinet as a bedtime tea. Most often she is associated with this action and it’s for good reason as Chamomile is most definitely a nervine sedative and spasmolytic. Did you know that she is SO much more than that though?
Chamomile is also bitter and carminative, which makes her fairly unique as this is an uncommon pairing of actions to find within one plant. Bitter plants help send the signal to the Vagus Nerve that food is a’comin and it’s time to prepare. This triggers the release of acids and bile to prepare the stomach for digestion. Carminatives contain volatile oils which help stimulate blood flow to the digestive system (think Ginger, Cinnamon, Rosemary, etc).
Now, let’s think bigger picture, or WHOLE PLANT picture here… what do you see as a pattern or connection between these actions? Nervine Sedative, Spasmolytic (with an affinity for smooth muscle/GI), Bitter, Carminative…
Chamomile is FABULOUS for a *nervous tummy*. Or those of us that experience an upset stomach during times of stress. This is where her whole signature shines and one way we can start to open up the way we look at, and work with Chamomile, beyond bedtime.
In addition, her energetic properties give love and rest to the inner child. Nurturing those parts of us that may have experienced traumas that led to nervous system dysregulation in our early years. This also makes her a beautiful choice for children.